Languagelayer is a product maintained by apilayer, a technology company based in Vienna, Austria.

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Office Locations


Apilayer Data Products GmbH
Oppolzergasse 6/1/4
1010 Vienna

What is it?

The languagelayer API was built to provide a seamless, powerful and cost-effective way of automating language detection functionalities in any application, framework and programming language. All languagelayer API endpoints are REST-based, secured by 256-bit HTTPS encryption, come with a straightforward and interactive documentation, and are configured to handle both single language detections and batch detection requests.

Who runs it?

The languagelayer API is a product built and maintained by apilayer, an Austrian technology company aiming to build a variety of reliable programming interfaces (APIs) and make them affordable for developers and startups.

apilayer is headquartered in the Austria, with offices in Vienna, and London, United Kingdom.

Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Languagelayer language detection is powered by a number of complex algorithms that increase in precision and accuracy with each language detection performed, taking into account frequent occurrences and sequences of specific words, grammatical constructions, idioms, sayings, accents and other linguistic deviations, content on the web, etc.

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